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~8kms from Julimar Discovery


  • 88km2 tenement package located 8km from Julimar major nickel discovery hosts outstanding exploration prospects in mineralised geological setting


  • The tenement area located only 60-70km northeast of Perth, has been demonstrated by Chalice Gold Mines (ASX: CHN) to be an entirely new PGE-Nickel- Copper province with the potential for multiple Julimar analogues and extensions.


  • The Crown PGE-Nickel-Copper Project covers a series of prominent magnetic structures similar to the Chalice Gold Mine’s Julimar Complex, and which have not been drill tested.


  • Company geological team, have conducted an initial site visit to investigate land ccess in the area, paying a particular focus on the eastern most magnetic high.


  • Favourable metamorphic rocks were observed in outcrop along Blue Plains Road and could be seen to continue into the adjacent property to the south coincident with the respective magnetic high.


  • The Company aims to identify geochemical soil anomalies that provide evidence of ultramafic sequences within and around the greenstones observed at roadside.


  • These results will then guide the design of drilling to target potential host lithology nd possible polymetallic massive sulphides, similar to the layered ultramafic intrusive discovered at Julimar to the east.


Figure 1: Crown Project site


Figure 2: Location of Crown Project in relation to Chalice Mining tenements

Geological Setting

The Crown Project is situated less than 8km from the Julimar Discovery that is hosted in a layered mafic-ultramafic complex and boasts high grade, broad intervals of PGE-Nickel-Copper mineralisation.

The Crown exploration licence E70/5406 was granted in June 2021. Initial exploration activities have commenced.

Crown lies within the western margin of the Yilgarn Craton. The basement geology is poorly explored and previously misunderstood, with the GSWA failing to identify the intrusive complex, instead having interpreted the Julimar site as granitic.

Recent exploration by Chalice Mining successfully tested the potential of a mafic-ultramafic layered intrusive complex based on high resolution magnetics, and considered it prospective for platinum group elements, nickel and copper despite not ever having been explored for these metals.

Chalice’s broad PGE and nickel-copper intervals, which remain open in all directions, point to a regional scale discovery that may extend far beyond its initial lateral delineation. Whilst geological analogues such as the Jinchuan Nickel Mine in China demonstrate what may be found beneath disseminated
sulphide zones.


A detailed geological and structural interpretation was completed by Southern Geoscience Consultants using airborne magnetic and radiometric data. They identified 20 priority areas. The target zones represent potential intrusions, major or secondary cross cutting structures, potential alteration zones and antiformal or synformal fold/fault closures.


Ten different lithologies have also been identified including metamorphosed mafic volcanic sequences, sedimentary rocks, granite and gneiss bodies. The regional Darling Fault runs north-south on the western edge of tenement with many major and minor faults also present.

The exploration activities are designed to test the 20 priority areas including geological mapping and rock chip sampling followed by drill planning.


Figure 3: Detailed analysis on magnetic data

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